Mothers. What would we do without them?

10 de septiembre de 2015

File 22-8-15 12 06 23

A mother never sleeps at night. Neither does she sleep in the day. She never protests; she always comes round. She doesn’t get angry; she is pleased.

A mother doesn’t hesitate; she takes decisions. She’s never selfish, she shares. She would never lie; she is honest.

A mother never flies off the handle; she is the essence of self-containment. She can never be impatient; she knows how to wait.

A mother never speaks in generalities; she is always specific. Rudeness is alien to her; she is pure tenderness. She is never dull; she puts the spice into your life.

A mother never judges; she just gives her opinion. A mother is opportunity, free flight, dreams, life and life lessons.

A mother is your first, and your best, library.

She is orange blossom in spring; breaking waves in the summer; the smell of the first autumn rains; the blazing fireplace in winter.

You don’t have to speak to tell her, You don’t have to speak to let her feel. She feels it. She knows it. You are all she needs. With your reality: sad at times and silent; at other times cheerful and unable to stop talking.

A mother is the one who tells you one day that Father Christmas doesn’t exist. But you already knew, didn’t you?. Because she is Father Christmas.

A mother is the hands of a potter; Giving shape and sense.

A mother isn’t the musical stave. She is the notes written on it.


A mother is everything which cannot be seen. That’s why she’s eternal.


[A mother and a father are the same: What would we do without them]

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